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Birthday Blog - I'm 29!

Writer's picture: Kayla KochKayla Koch

girl with a camera celebrates her photography business

Today, I turn 29. My 29th birthday looks a LOT different this year. Not at all in a bad way, just very, very different. Over the last year, I was able to take my business full time and I could never have imagined I would be here right now. Is it scary to not have a corporate job? Yes, absolutely. I think I stress about money more often than not, but I have more of a motivation now more than ever to work, stand up for myself and really put my creative ambitions to work. And I'm so happy you're here for every step of this journey because YOU make this journey worthwhile and successful. So, thank you for being here :)

This is the last birthday I will have in my 20s and I have a lot of little ideas swirling around in my mind that I think I should share. Let's consider this a little, "here's what I learned along the way so please learn from me," section.

  1. Just do it. No need to be Nike to use that line, but whatever you're feeling drawn to, please just do it. Don't wait until you're in your back half of your 20s to try something new. Just try it now.

  2. No one is going to judge you to your face, so it doesn't matter what type of business adventure you do or try. And if they do, they're not really your friends.

  3. Leaving high school and transitioning to college will always show you who your true friends are. I only regularly communicate with two of my friends from high school, but they are some of my biggest supporters and I'll keep them forever and ever.

  4. You'll find love when you least expect it. Before I met my current boyfriend of 5.5 years, I had very recently told my friends and family I was happy with being single forever. No joke, a few days later, I met Luis and we've been inseparable ever since.

  5. Travel while you're young. I'm still working on prioritizing this one, but money will come back - the opportunity to travel to new and exciting places might not always be as easily accessible as when you're young.

  6. It's okay to not want kids. We don't. We'll get to be the cool aunt and uncle forever. (And if we do have kids down the line, that's great, too, although I'm very doubtful.)

  7. If you're feeling passionate about something when you're young, pursue it. This is similar to the first point here, but do you know how badly I wish I could've more deeply pursued a photography business when I was in college?! I would kill for a do-over.

  8. You can learn a lesson from every adventure or misadventure. I've had three corporate jobs and I learned lessons at each one, but they all made me a great business owner now because I know how NOT to treat people.

  9. Find your friends and love them hard. When I say, "find your friends," I really mean figure out who has your best interest in mind and support them to the ends of the earth. Those are the ones who will usually support you endlessly, too.

  10. It's okay to go through friend breakups and it's also okay to reconnect and rebuild your relationship. We've all been there with friends. It happens. Work through it as needed and be okay with the fact that your relationship may not go back to where it was before OR it could be so much better.

  11. Fitness classes are fun. There's no need to be stressed. Getting regular exercise is actually so good for you. Find something you enjoy and stick to it OR switch it up if you think something else would suit you better.

  12. Life is short. Find the beauty in everything.

  13. Take the dang pictures. Even if your friends mock you for whipping out your phone or camera at every opportunity, take the photo. You'll want to remember all of the moments exactly as they were.

  14. Mental health is of the utmost importance. It took me almost 28 years to learn I have anxiety. I'm finally medicated, and my life has been so much better because of it. Modern day medicine is good.

  15. Celebrate the little things and find people who enjoy doing the same. Friend gets a new job? Bring them flowers. Someone had a baby? Cook them dinner. It's your friend's first Mother's Day? Show her extra love. Boyfriend had a hard day? Make his favorite meal and get him his favorite chocolate treat. Again, life is short. Celebrate the little moments. Always.

  16. Family is forever, but watching your parents get older is... terrifying. Make time to see them regularly and love them hard. Also, don't get too upset with them when their opinion differs from your own. It's their first time living, too. No one has it all figured out. And learning about different opinions never hurt anyone.

I'm not sure how it's already my 29th birthday, but I'm so excited to knock this last year of my 20s out with a bang. If you have any life advice for an almost 30-year-old, leave it in the comments below. I hope to see you at a photo session soon!

Thanks for being here :)

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